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The living conditions of the people in the community motivated Mrs Dorothy Osei-Kesse to come out with the idea to provide for the fundamental needs for the impoverished.

Our History


Othdabere Fresh Start Foundation Worldwide was founded in 2018 by

Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse in order to provide and support the homeless people, less privileged in society, young mothers in need, orphans, widowers, deprived communities, families in need, other vulnerable children and people in Ghana, West Africa and many other places within the World.

Othdabere Fresh Start Foundation Worldwide is a registered charity and a non-profit government organization (NGO) in Ghana with a branch in the United Kingdom.

OFSFW embraces all with a determined heart for a positive change in the right direction to provide  daily basic needs and care for all people in need worldwide.

Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse set up Othdabere Fresh Start Foundation because during her visit to Ghana, she volunteered with the social service department in Ghana and encountered the challenges faced by many people in need and saw the major issues with Children and families that couldn’t afford their basic daily necessity, hence she was motivated to make a difference in the lives of deprived individuals, families and within the impoverished communities. In Ghana, Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse visited hospitals where some of the pregnant women couldn’t afford to buy food, water, pay for their medications as prescribed by their doctors or couldn’t pay for the hospital charges or medical bills.

She was surprised by this experiences and thought it was very disheartening to see pregnant women, when asked if they had eaten, it was brought to her attention that they didn’t eat because they had no money to purchase food or water to  help with baby’s development in the womb and the wellbeing of pregnant women.

She also learnt how some of the pregnant mothers to be, had to walk miles in their pregnancy to attend antenatal, yet they were without food or water. Also on the streets, some of the young teenagers under 16 confessed to her, how they had to sleep with a men to afford their daily meal. It was an excruciating moments for Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse to listen to some of these stories of this young pregnant teenagers.

She also visited deprived communities such as market places, orphanages, prisons, streets, schools and churches where she observed the extreme needs of young girls out of school on the streets to raise money to continue with their education and some of them who were pregnant because their parents couldn’t take care of them or were orphans, hence lead them into prostitution to enable them get money to buy food or water.

Due to  the critical conditions and circumstances witnessed by Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse, Othdabere Fresh Start Foundation Worldwide was established to combat suffering, pain, poverty, and distress and to promote the well-being and welfare of those who are in need within deprived communities.

The Goal of OFSFW is to empower individuals and families with resources, finance, business strategies, education, trainings and other ways to enable them to become independent individuals to support their lives and families to contribute to the community and society as a whole.

Making the world a better


Our vision is to support the needy in our midst, create an environment where their vision will be realized and for them to experience a life worthy of living.


Our Mission is to generate resources by partnering with individuals, groups, other non-governmental organizations and corporate entities to change the lives of the needy in our society in Ghana and on the continent of Africa

Our Founder

Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse is a trained social worker in the United Kingdom with over a decade experience and expertise in non-profit organization management, family services and providing primary health care. She is also a registered Nurse and works as a Nursing Manager and Master Marriage Mentor and Relationship Coach. She also has training in Leadership and Strategic Management and Pastoral Leadership and Ministry. Her hard work and contribution to the NHS in the UK mean she was adjudged the best nurse in 2018 by the Laurels Group of Care Homes in London, United Kingdom.

Mrs. Dorothy Osei-Kesse was awarded best Nurse of the year 2018 by the Laurels care home, London.

Mrs Dorothy Osei-Kesse is also the Chief Executive Officer of OTHDABERE Industry. She started a food business (othdabere o-k foods), delivering and selling different types of foods and drinks. She has a fashion & cosmetic line and marriage and family therapy service. 

She is also known as a philanthropist who funds and provides basic life needs for the underprivileged and homeless people living within our societies. She supports Fresh Start Foundation Worldwide and other charity organizations through her chain of business industry.

Her passion is to restore hope for many people, changing lives through supporting families and providing support systems that can assist underprivileged families in our society to help them live decent lives. She believes for every family to be self-reliant; all less privileged and homeless people must have access to good and quality food, water, clothing, medication, counselling and support with hospital bills, that is the reason she has invested and continuous to invest in Fresh Start Foundation Worldwide.

Aim and Objectives



  • To share the Christian Gospel with everyone.


  • To promote and protect the physical and mental health needs of all vulnerable and impoverished people, their wellbeing, and the welfare of:


  1. Families with conditions of need, hardship, and distress. Those individuals who are homeless, living on the streets without food, water, clothing, and medical aids.


  1. The provision of treatment and support, including medical equipment, aids, medications, medical bills, and all other medical interventions.


  1. Providing them with services (such as the provision of a rehabilitation and recovery Centre through the provision of our counselling services.


  1. To assist serving the underprivileged communities and the homeless by the provision of support services, advice, guidance, employment, business support, tuition, and healthcare where appropriate.


  1. Promotion of education – To promote education for children whose parents are unable to provide with their education and other benefits of provision to the deprived schools within the communities.


  1. Health – To relieve the needs of those with chronic health problems and other related health issues who live within deprived communities.

Our Blessing Bags

Blessing Rubber Bag

Our rubber blessings bags are used for distributing food for families  such us bag of rice, oil, milk, sugar, sardines, tuna, noodles, onions, tin tomatoes, corned beef, etc. 

Blessing Stringed Bag

Our stringed bag is for pregnant women, mothers and babies struggling to get the basic mother and baby start items.
We help with the following ;
  • Baby food and clothes 
  • Food stuff
  • Electricity 
  • Pampers and wipes 
  • Medications 
We encourage people to refer mothers and babies as we are supporting more women,  babies and children. 


We have a bank for keeping clothes and food. If you would like donate any items or  you are in need of any of these items feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Our Volunteers

Meet our volunteers in their uniforms.

Our Counselors

  • Here are the primary purposes of counselors within the Othdabere Fresh Start Foundation:
  1. Mental and Emotional Support: Counselors offer a safe and confidential space for individuals to discuss their mental and emotional challenges. They provide active listening, empathy, and therapeutic interventions to help clients cope with stress, trauma, and emotional distress.

  2. Crisis Intervention: In times of crisis, such as natural disasters, conflicts, or personal emergencies, counselors play a crucial role in providing immediate psychological first aid and support to affected individuals and communities.

  3. Empowerment and Resilience Building: Counselors work to empower individuals and communities by helping them develop resilience and coping skills. This includes teaching stress management techniques, problem-solving skills, and strategies for personal growth.

  4. Conflict Resolution: They facilitate conflict resolution and mediation processes, helping parties involved in disputes find peaceful and constructive solutions. This contributes to social harmony and community cohesion.

  5. Education and Awareness: Counselors may conduct workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns on mental health, well-being, and other relevant topics to educate the community about important issues and reduce stigma around seeking help.

  6. Trauma Recovery: For individuals who have experienced trauma, counselors offer specialized therapy to address the psychological impact of traumatic events and support their healing process.

  7. Career and Life Counseling: Counselors help individuals explore career paths, set goals, and make informed decisions about their education, employment, and life choices.

  8. Advocacy and Referrals: They advocate for the rights and needs of their clients within the organization and in the broader community. Counselors also provide referrals to other services and resources when necessary, ensuring clients receive comprehensive support.

  9. Data Collection and Analysis: Counselors may collect data and conduct assessments to better understand the mental health and well-being needs of the community. This information helps the organization tailor its programs and services effectively.

  10. Collaboration and Networking: Counselors collaborate with other NGOs, government agencies, healthcare providers, and community leaders to create a network of support and resources for clients. This strengthens the organization’s impact and reach.

  11. Program Development: Counselors play a role in designing and implementing programs that address the specific needs of the community, ensuring that these programs are evidence-based and culturally sensitive.

In summary, counselors within the Othdabere Fresh Start Foundation are instrumental in providing holistic support to individuals and communities, promoting mental health and well-being, and contributing to the organization’s mission of creating positive change and opportunities for those they serve.

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